Locked-In & Focused


Last night I had a dream, I was at a party and someone took my phone to play music. They couldn’t get music to play and after a few seconds I grabbed the phone back and tried to fix the problem. But just like they said the screen was locked. Everybody was looking at me but I didn’t panic. I was getting frustrated. I hit the round iPhone button but nothing happened. So, I swiped up, then I swiped sideways, I hit the butting on the top side to shut down the phone - but nothing still. The problem was easy to see, the screen was locked!!!

Then I noticed there were a lot of extra buttons on my phone

I noticed it was longer and skinnier than my phone


I noticed it was a TV Remote

Have you ever been locked in so focused on something you shut out other possibilities and fail to see the obvious!?

Swiping Up, Swiping sideways, Trying to reset “your” idea? Maybe trying to get people to see it your way. Have you tried to get people to buy in to your ideas and agree with you? What has that gotten you?

  • Frustrated
  • Aggravated
  • Pain

What does it do for those around you?
They experience their own versions of

  • Frustration
  • Annoyed
  • Aggravated
  • Upset
  • Demotivated

When we push our own ideas and lead everyone down the rabbit hole we eventually run out of steam or have to turn back. But so often the damage is done. By this time, our staff is:

  • Uninterested
  • Upset
  • Discouraged

If our ego is BIG!! We start to

  • Blame
  • Point fingers
  • Complain

Often putting the responsibility on everyone but ourselves


But Why

Why is it so hard to simply STOP!

Acknowledge our feelings
Breathe 1-2-3
And Change

Because EMOTIONS take over.

They take over our rational thoughts and hyper focus us.
All we can see is the target, time stops or worse it closes in.
People around us don’t matter - we only matter and anything in our way gets destroyed “if you’re not with me, you’re against me!!”

Is it any wonder 50% to 70% of companies fail with 30% of that in the first year? So, how can we change that?

Simple.... Start with CURIOSITY

CURIOSITY gives us

  • Perspective Options: we can see our view as well as the view of others.
  • Curiosity puts the EGO aside
  • We Investigate: asking ourselves for options as well as asking others for their input and ideas
  • Curiosity has us use language in a creative and collaborative way vs. closed off and one-sided.
  • We leverage the best competences of those around us because there’s no ego involved
  • There’s no protecting when we’re being curious only open investigating.

The Curiosity Theory is a methodology that teaches how to STOP! And shift into Curiosity in real time. And get us back to where we want to be.

Aligned, In Flow, Connected, Productive And ultimately back to Love.


50% Complete

Two Step

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